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Heart Warming Tea

Updated: May 2, 2020


fennel……………………3 tsp cardamom powder ..1/2 tsp turmeric………………..1/2tsp black pepper………….1/4 tsp cinnamon………………1/4tsp water…………………….5 cups honey……optional Boil water in a sauce pan.Once the water is boiled add all the above ingredients . Let it simmer for 6 to 8 minutes. Strain . Your winter tea is ready to drink. When the water cools down , add honey ( for those with sweet tooth ) . You  can drink sip this tea through the day , but not close to your meals or immediately after meals .

Benefits..keeps your body  warm and also good immunity booster.

Black pepper – improves circulation , reduces mucous in the body ( digestive tract and sinuses )

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